Monitoring gameplan
Now that I have selected a toolkit for monitoring, it’s time to plan the deployment.
As a rough outline, it will go as follows:
- Ensure that data providers (prometheus exporters) are present and delivering data
- Plan a configuration of prometheus that will discover and scrape these endpoints
- Deploy prometheus and validate that data is being scraped
A strange loop
In order to monitor Nomad, we need to deploy prometheus… on Nomad.
This statement of the monitoring gameplan sounds like a Catch-22.
Before we begin, it warrants a moment to consider which level of Hashi@Home the prometheus service will be deployed at. We have essentially two options:
- as a native service on one of the computatoms
- as a Nomad job scheduled across the cluster
In the former case, we have a service which is independent of the higher software layers, and can therefore monitor them. If, for example the Nomad service loses quorum, the prometheus service will probably die and we will lose all monitoring. Deploying prometheus as a service directly on the OS of one of the computatoms, we can ensure that, while that computatom is up, we will be able to scrape metrics and alert on events. However, if anything should happen to the computatom which prometheus is running on, we will equally have a complete outage of the service. So, how do we ensure that prometheus itself is appropriately available?
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” is a recursive problem.
I think of it as a “Strange Loop”:
A strange loop is a cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system. It arises when, by moving only upwards or downwards through the system, one finds oneself back where one started. Strange loops may involve self-reference and paradox.
In our case, the place where we start, which is also the place where we want to end, is a system which is capable of monitoring itself.
The loop’s hierarchy goes a little like this:
- We have a system capable of monitoring itself
- the system discovers that it is not yet monitoring itself
- The system adds a layer capable of executing jobs
- A job is defined for monitoring a system
- The system deploys the monitoring job
- We have a system which capable of monitoring itself
In the first execution of this cycle, I am part of the system, but by the time we get to the end of the cycle, I am no longer needed, the system is self-sufficient.
Deploying Prometheus
To put it in more practical terms, I plan the following steps:
- Deploy base image, including prometheus node exporter
- Deploy Consul layer
- Deploy Nomad layer
- Deploy Prometheus job in Nomad
We have a few benefits, compared to the single-node static deployment option. First of all, we can take advantage of the various reliability features in Nomad to ensure that the service is available. We can force restarts based on health checks, migrate the service to a new node if the on it’s running on fails, or reschedule the service if the job fails, etc.
This is taking advantage of the platform to provide higher functions in the platform itself.
What to monitor – prometheus configuration
Prometheus exposes data via exporters. We can enable the simplest of exporters, the node exporter, and start scraping that for metrics related to the operating system and hardware of the computeatoms. This would involve having a prometheus exporter started and running on
Hashi At Home stack
Since we can assume that we are deploying prometheus into an existing Consul cluster via Nomad, and that there is a Vault service running aside these, we have already a list of things we want to monitor.
Hashicorp products provide good built-in telemetry options:
- Vault telemetry is configurable via a server stanza. However, in order to monitor Vault we need a token which can be used to access the metrics endpoint.
- Consul is instrumented and can be monitored by Prometheus
- Nomad has a very comprehensive monitoring guide which includes suggestions on alerting and service level indicators.
So, all of the layers of the platform are instrumented and expose their metrics via a Prometheus interface. The next steps is therefore to configure prometheus to scrape these metrics and make the data available to something for visualisation. More on that later.
Consul service discovery
Apart from the layers of the actual Hashi@Home stack, we also want to monitor the services deployed on the platform.
If these are registered with Consul, we should be able to use the Consul service discovery configuration.
Since the prometheus job will be running in the Consul datacenter, it will have access to the Consul DNS service, so we can point the consul_sd_configs.server
to consul.service.consul:8500
Furthermore, the instance metrics can be scraped by asking the Consul catalog where all the nodes are, using a template expression like:
- job_name: 'instance_metrics'
- targets:
{{ range nodes }}
- {{ .Address}}:9100
{{ end }}
Deploying prometheus
Now that we have a gameplan for monitoring the infrastructure and stack, we can write a deployment. This is the fourth iteration in our level-crossing strange loop referred to above. The prometheus service will take the form of a Nomad job to deploy the job[^1.0.0].
The job defines the prometheus artifact which is retrieved from the prometheus releases page, and a configuration file provided via a template:
scrape_interval: 20s
evaluation_interval: 60s
- job_name: 'instance_metrics'
- targets:
{{ range nodes }}
- {{ .Address}}:9100
{{ end }}
- job_name: 'consul_metrics'
- server: consul.service.consul:8500
{{ range services }}
- {{ .Name }}
{{ end }}
- source_labels: [__meta_consul_tags]
separator: ;
regex: (._)http(._)
replacement: $1
action: keep
- source_labels: [__meta_consul_address]
separator: ;
regex: (.*)
target_label: __meta_consul_service_address
replacement: $1
action: replace
scrape_interval: 5s
metrics_path: /v1/metrics
format: ['prometheus']
This template includes only two scrape jobs:
- instance metrics via
- consul metrics via
We rely on the consul catalog in two ways here. In the first case, we use it to provide is a list of endpoints by requesting the nodes in the catalog. This allows us to have a dynamically generated list of static targets, which sounds like a paradox but isn’t. In the second case, we use the Consul service catalog to scrape the metrics of the services which are registered in the catalog.
Taking a moment to reflect, this seems a bit like magic. This configuration seems unrealistically simple. The amount of information required is very small; we need to know the consul endpoint… and that’s it?
This prometheus job gets deployed into an environment it knows nothing about, and Consul tells it everything it needs to know about what to monitor, where the endpoints are, etc.
Consider this mind blown.